Apertura. Revista de innovación educativa‏

Donald Daphne

Resumen biográfico

{I am cool but global warming made me hot.|Netflix, youtube, food, my bed, Perfection.|Making History.|I’m on energy saving mode.|Success is in my blood.|Problem solver. Social media fanatic. Passionate travel guru.|By grace through faith. Beautiful.|Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.|I want a cute, long relationship where everyone will say damn they’re still together?|Just a cupcake looking for a stud muffin.|I’ve fallen in love many times always with you.|Eat…sleep….regret…repeat.|Someday, there’s going to be an updated version of me.|We live in a society where pizza gets into our house before the police.|If I delete your number, you’re basically deleted from my life.|One tequila, two tequila, floor.|Why look up at the stars when the biggest star is me.|Scratch here ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ to reveal my bio.|Life is dumb and I want to sleep.|Spreading smiles.|Life F$@ks me, now it’s my turn.|Bob the builder fixing my attitude.|Don’t follow me b’coz I don’t know where I am going.|I ‘m busy on Instagram but you do something useful.|Thermometer is not the only thing in the world having degrees without brains. Hurray, at last I got my degree. Graduated.|Best $$ of me is yet to come.|I rate myself 10/10 b’coz I am too basic.|Reality is finally better than your dreams.|
