Apertura. Revista de innovación educativa‏

Jennell Redus

Resumen biográfico

Memory decrease is a frequent complaint as we move through the aging process. The typical 60-year-old is not as sharp mentally as they were in their 40s. That said, some people do age slower than many others. There are 80 year olds with the body and mind of individuals decades their minor. There are 70 year olds who can easily match wits with 40 year olds. Would you prefer to set the brakes on brain rust? You can, simply by including a few"Super Brain Foods" to your daily diet. The"You are what you eat" adage most definitely applies to mental function. To slow the aging process and provide continued brain strength, an anti-oxidant, nutrient rich diet will keep your body and mind working in youthful levels. {

Boost Your Brain Power With Powerful "Smart" Foods