Apertura. Revista de innovación educativa‏

Sumler Groman

Resumen biográfico

Medical grade orthotic foot care products have multiple benefits that help improve your foot health. When we spend extended times on our feet standing or walking around, we increase the stress on our body starting from the feet up. Without properly distributing and absorbing the stress, we could cause all sorts of body and foot problems that might ranging from back pain to plantar fasciitis. Thousands of years ago our ancestors walked barefoot over rough terrains and used leather or fabric foot wraps to guard their feet from extreme elements. We don't have issues like this today, but what we do have is people wearing shoes that are to tight, sport related foot injuries, and general foot injuries that are caused by genetics or inproper support. The largest culprits most of us face today are biomechanical issues that start with our feet and how well we balance our bodies with the ground we walk on. Which could be hard rocky outside terrain or flat, hard indoor concrete that is unforgiving to our joints. Feet are extremely adaptable, but we have out of fashion trends forced our feet into foot wears of all the wrong kinds. By doing this we have caused all sorts of musculoskeletal system issues in our feet, ankles, knees, hips, backs, and necks. Wearing proper orthotic foot care products can effectively help by healing these issues. Foot orthotics provide support and shock absorption that allows our bodies to easily distribute the pressure of weight, which helps our bodies get the support and balance we need to heal naturally.
